14.2 基本异常处理¶
By Alex on October 4th, 2008 | last modified by Alex on January 23rd, 2020
翻译by dashjay 2020.07.13
在之前的课程 为什么需要异常中,我们讨论了关于使用返回值状态码为何会使得你的控制流和错误处理被混合,使得两者相互约束。异常在C++中的实现使用了三个关键词,来相互连接:throw
, try
, catch
在 C++
为了使用一个异常一句,简单的使用 throw
throw -1; // throw a literal integer value
throw ENUM_INVALID_INDEX; // throw an enum value
throw "Can not take square root of negative number"; // throw a literal C-style (const char*) string
throw dX; // throw a double variable that was previously defined
throw MyException("Fatal Error"); // Throw an object of class MyException
在C++中,我们用 try
关键词来定义一个语句块(被叫做 try 语句块),try 语句块作为一个观察者,寻找任何类型被抛出的异常在 try 语句的block中。
Here’s an example of a try block:
// Statements that may throw exceptions you want to handle go here
// 到那儿,可能抛出你需要处理的异常的语句。
throw -1; // here's a trivial throw statement
// 一个常识抛出的语句
注意,try 语句块没有定义如何处理异常。他仅仅告诉程序,“嘿,如果任何语句在这个 try 语句块中抛出,抓住它!”。
事实上,异常处理是 catch
关键词被用来定义一个语句块(被叫做 catch 语句块)处理单个数据类型的的异常。
这有一个 catch
catch (int x)
// Handle an exception of type int here
// 处理一个整型的异常
std::cerr << "We caught an int exception with value" << x << '\n';
语句块和 catch
语句块一起工作—— 一个 try 语句块检测 try 语句块中的任何语句抛出的异常,并且发送它们到,合适的 catch
语句块来进行处理。一个 try
语句块必须有至少一个 catch
语句块,紧跟着 try
一旦一个异常在 try
语句中被捕获,并且发送到一个 catch
语句块来处理,异常被认为处理,并且在 catch
捕获参数就像函数参数那样工作,参数在后续的 try
catch (double) // note: no variable name since we don't use it in the catch block below
// 注意:无变量名,因为我们不会再catch语句块中使用它
// Handle exception of type double here
// 处理 double 类型的异常
std::cerr << "We caught an exception of type double" << '\n';
这有一整个程序,使用了 throw, try
和许多 catch
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
// Statements that may throw exceptions you want to handle go here
throw -1; // here's a trivial example
catch (int x)
// Any exceptions of type int thrown within the above try block get sent here
std::cerr << "We caught an int exception with value: " << x << '\n';
catch (double) // no variable name since we don't use the exception itself in the catch block below
// Any exceptions of type double thrown within the above try block get sent here
std::cerr << "We caught an exception of type double" << '\n';
catch (const std::string &str) // catch classes by const reference
// Any exceptions of type std::string thrown within the above try block get sent here
std::cerr << "We caught an exception of type std::string" << '\n';
std::cout << "Continuing on our merry way\n";
return 0;
运行以上的 try/catch
We caught an int exception with value -1
Continuing on our merry way
一个抛出语句被用来抛出一个异常,通过 -1
这个值,类型为 int
语句会被紧接着的封闭的 try 语句块捕获,并且发送到合适的处理整型异常的 catch
语句块。这个 catch
一旦异常被处理,程序就会从 catch
语句块结束的地方开始正常运行,并且打印 “Continuing on our merry way”。
当一个异常被使用 throw
抛出,程序的执行会立即跳到最近的 try
语句块(向上传播堆栈,如果有必要找到一个封闭的 try 语句块——我们将在下节课讨论更加详细的内容)。如果任何异常函数可以处理之前 try
如果没有合适的处理函数存在,执行的程序会跳出到下一个 try 闭合语句,如果没有合适的 catch 语句可以被找到在程序结束前,程序将会带着异常错误失败。
注意,编译器不会执行一个隐式转化 (implicit conversions) 或者升级 (promotions) 当使用 catch
语句来捕获异常时!例如,一个 char
类型的异常将不会匹配一个 int
类型的 catch
语句块。一个 int
异常将不会匹配一个 float
类型的 catch
#include <iostream>
int main()
throw 4.5; // throw exception of type double
std::cout << "This never prints\n";
catch(double x) // handle exception of type double
std::cerr << "We caught a double of value: " << x << '\n';
return 0;
这个程序非常简单。这就是具体发生的的事情:抛出语句是第一执行的语句 —— 这引起了一个 double
类型的异常被抛出。执行流程一颗移动到最近的 try
语句块闭合处,也是这个程序中唯一的 try
语句将会紧接着检查是否有 handler
匹配。我们的异常就是 double
类型的。而且我们正在寻找一个 double
类型的 catch
We caught a double of value: 4.5
注意到 "this never prints" 是从没被打印的,因为异常造成执行路径立刻跳到 double
#include "math.h" // for sqrt() function
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
double x;
std::cin >> x;
try // Look for exceptions that occur within try block and route to attached catch block(s)
// If the user entered a negative number, this is an error condition
if (x < 0.0)
throw "Can not take sqrt of negative number"; // throw exception of type const char*
// Otherwise, print the answer
std::cout << "The sqrt of " << x << " is " << sqrt(x) << '\n';
catch (const char* exception) // catch exceptions of type const char*
std::cerr << "Error: " << exception << '\n';
In this code, the user is asked to enter a number. If they enter a positive number, the if statement does not execute, no exception is thrown, and the square root of the number is printed. Because no exception is thrown in this case, the code inside the catch block never executes. The result is something like this:
在这段代码中,用户被要求输入一个数字,如果他们输入一个正数,那么 if 语句不会执行,没有异常抛出,并且输入数字的平方根将会被打印。因为没有异常在这个例子中被抛出,catch
Enter a number: 9
The sqrt of 9 is 3
If the user enters a negative number, we throw an exception of type const char*. Because we’re within a try block and a matching exception handler is found, control immediately transfers to the const char* exception handler. The result is:
Enter a number: -4 Error: Can not take sqrt of negative number
By now, you should be getting the basic idea behind exceptions. In the next lesson, we’ll do quite a few more examples to show how flexible exceptions are.
What catch blocks typically do
If an exception is routed to a catch block, it is considered “handled” even if the catch block is empty. However, typically you’ll want your catch blocks to do something useful. There are three common things that catch blocks do when they catch an exception:
First, catch blocks may print an error (either to the console, or a log file).
Second, catch blocks may return a value or error code back to the caller.
Third, a catch block may throw another exception. Because the catch block is outside of the try block, the newly thrown exception in this case is not handled by the preceding try block -- it’s handled by the next enclosing try block.